Monday 17/07/2023
Only one workweek left…
This Saturday I’ll be leaving Belgium for the US GRS/GRC conference from the 22th till the 28th of July. I have a poster presentation about my recent research and I’m super excited to connect with fellow scientists and gather new knowledge. It will be one hell of a conference with many activities in between. After the conference, I will take the opportunity to take a trip down the US east coast by myself, from Boston all the way to Florida Keys. To keep you guys updated on my adventures; you can follow my journey on this blog.

I've always been afraid to lose my luggage, so I used all my stickers that I've collected over the last 26 years. to recognize it more easily. INCLUDING CAT STICKERS :) Now I'm totally ready!
P.s. Just by the thought of it; I already miss my furrbabies, but my sister will ‘house and catsit’ while I’m away.
Till we meet again!
XoXo Lotte